Welcome to 2017: Winter Style - White Top, Two ways

Friday, January 20, 2017


Can I just say that the last month or so has been just so insane! I haven't been updating like I want to, but honestly 2016 was the year of changes and I just stop worrying about things and let things be. My blog has always been my source of enjoyment, but I refuse to post for the sake of posting. I won't just throw anything together. So.. sometimes my updates will be delayed, cause life can get the best of anyone but thanks so much for remaining supportive. There's no words to describe how much I cherish you all.

While I may have completely spaced from December's posts, I'm super excited for the new content to come! There's so many ideas I want to bring to the blog this year including more product reviews, travel blogs, and so much more! 2017 is going to be the year of experiences for me, so I'm focusing less on buying new clothes for the sake of blogging and more on adventures that I can share with you all, of course with a dose of style along the way. This year I just want to be happy, more so happy doing more of what I love and experiencing completely new things.

As much as I love California, this rainy winter weather has been killing my vibe and getting in the way of some much needed photoshoots! I mean, how else can I update the blog? While the weather has been wet and gloomy the rare clear day allowed me to capture two of my casual winter styles! I've been definitely dressing up more and I love mixing basic pieces together to pull together a more sophisticated look.

With this rainy weather, I definitely want to do a rainy day outfit blog + essentials. Perhaps that'll be my next post?


O U T F I T D E T A I L S ~

TOP: Freestyle Clothing Exchange
Skirt: Forever 21
Faux Fur Vest: Target
Black Shorts: Love Culture


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